Monday, July 20, 2009

Party Machen

Hi ladies and gents!

My lovely colleague just sent me some pictures ahead of time, so I'm going to go ahead and post today instead of tomorrow. Or maybe I'll treat you all and post tomorrow too! Who knows.

I spent most of my weekend recovering from work party on Friday evening. The whole thing had been booked for months and was essentially our 'Sommerfest' - summer celebration, if you will - so thus, of course, it had to tip it down with rain on the day!

I had to nip out of work speedily to get there by bike. I had hoped to be able to pop in quickly at home and change out of my nasty cycling gear, but alas, my bike chain came off and then I lost my bike lock (clever, I know), so I spent the party in my ratty cycling shorts and waterproof jacket. Clearly I did not win any fashion awards that evening.
In any case, otherwise it was great. HolidayCheck rented out a nice bar slash restaurant on the banks of the Rhein and drinks and food were on the house. We had some games - including dinghy racing - before the rain started, but when it had begun it didn't stop for the entire rest of the night or next day.

Still, the rain definitely did not put a damper on our celebrations. The bar we were at serves fantastic mojitos, so everybody had a few (too many!). I have to admit that one of the highlights for me was my colleague, Wei (otherwise known as Team China). She had only one drink, but because she's not used to it, went bright pink. You can kind of see it in the photo above! I think she was a bit embarrassed, but everyone else thought it was quite funny and sweet.

Basically, HolidayCheck is just a nice company to work for. The International Team are all friendly and we get on really well. In the two photos above, we've got people from China, Italy, France, Poland, Germany, Spain and the Czech Republic. Not bad, eh?

<---- Here, we've also got our Dutch manager and myself! The others are Celine, our French manager, and Carlos, who's an intern like me.

I'm told that the party went on well into the early hours, but I ended up getting a bit chilly and going home - remember, I only had my trendy cycling shorts on! Verdict, however: good evening!