Friday, July 31, 2009

Guess the City!

Hello all!

Afraid sleep is eluding me currently, so I'm not in a terribly inspired frame of mind. That's why I'm going to go for a more visual emphasis (not because I'm lazy or anything...!)

Just had a quick snoop through the archive and found these rather lovely pictures...but do you know where they are? (Click on them to have a little hint) I think some are a lot more obvious than others, but who know? I'm actually pretty terrible with my landmarks. Someone showed me a picture of Versailles a few weeks ago and I had no idea what it was. That may have something to do with my sieve of a memory or that I've never been to Paris - who knows?

Anyway have fun guessing! Answers can be found at the bottom of the post in teeny-tiny text. Back with non-lazy, but perhaps less visually-appealling posts on Monday! Have a lovely weekend!

Holidaycheck, holiday, Germany

Holidaycheck, holiday, Australia
Holidaycheck, user, Czech Republic
Like the pictures? Maybe looking for a hotel in the area? Head on over to to check hotel reviews, travel pictures, videos and more. Enjoy!

1) Heidelberg 2) St Petersburg 3) Seattle 4) Bangkok 5) Sydney 6) Prague